Thursday, June 13, 2013

Zombies - Test casting

Hi you all!
Here are the first casting of the 28mm zombies! I have to correct a couple of minor things that could cause problems with the moulds in the future (The final figures will look exactly the same though). I´m also checking every possible mistake on the sculpts to fix it before going into production.

Os presento la primera copia de las zombies en 28mm. Tengo que corregir un par de cosillas que podrían causar problemas con el molde en el futuro (No va a haber cambios visibles en las figuras, son sólo asuntos técnicos). También aprovecho para buscar cualquier errorcillo que se me haya podido pasar, para repararlo antes de que las figuras se empiecen a producir.



  1. Wow, no. 2 from right (the one with the skirt) is my favourite! I look forward to get some soon! I like the fact that it is mainly the pose that makes the model look like a zombie...
    Very well done, Juan!


    1. Thanks a lot Michi! I´m really happy you like them! :)

  2. You cvan be sure that you will recieve an order from me, and see them on my blog with a review of them! Love what I am seeing so far!

  3. These looks great, look forward to seeing some gory paint jobs on them

    1. Thank you! I have another test set I plan to paint ;) Be sure I´ll post it here when they are ready.

  4. Can't wait to get a set of these to go with the survivor set you sent me!

    1. Thanks a lot and welcome to the blog :)
      It seems like it could take a while yet until we get the zombies though...
