Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mounted Cheyenne

 Hi you all!

I managed to finish the first pack of mounted Cheyenne too :-) They will be available very soon so watch this space!

More mounted Cheyenne to come  in the next months ;-)

I hope you like them

Monday, July 8, 2024

Mounted Plains Warrior

 Hi you all!

Here I show you another finished pack that will be available soon: the mounted counterpart of the plains warriors with mixed weapons:

The second set of mounted plains warriors is also almost finished and I'll try to show it here soon.

I hope you like them!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Crow women

 Hi you all!

I finished these figures month ago, but I hadn't the chance to show them here: Crow women in their typical dress decorated with elk teeth and beaded or quilled bands.

One of them carries a baby in a typical Crow craddle and another one wears a buffalo robe.


These will be available this month, if everything goes well.

I hope you like them!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

First Finished Mounted Crows

 Hi you all!

Here are the first two packs of mounted Crow with all the items. They will be available in a couple of months, I guess.

I hope you like them!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Crow warrior chief on horse

 Hi you all!

Today I present you the mounted version of the war leader of the Crows.

He wears a feather warbonnet with ermine pendants, a beaded warshirt with scalps and ermine pendants and bucksin leggings with scalps. 

His horse has a quilled horse mask and a buffalo blanket.

I hope you like the figure!