Thursday, November 22, 2018

Pawnee Warrior #5

Hi you all!
Here is my 5th Pawnee sculpt. He wears a oldfashioned buckskin loincloth and leggings of the same material, adorned with fringes and beaded panels and gartered below the knies in Pawnees`fashion. This leggings are of older style as the ones worn by Warrior #4. The hairstile is the typical low mohican hairdo with a roach of dyed horse, porcupine or deer tail hair, and a feather. He is armed with a trade musket and a pipe tomahawk.
I'm specially proud of this one :)


Friday, November 16, 2018

Pawnee Warrior #4

Hi you all!
Here is my fourth Pawnee warrior, armed with a deadly ball-headed club (with a metallic point) and a bow. He wears a trade loincloth and leggings made of trade cloth with the typical rectangular flaps and broad beaded pannels between the side and the front. The leggings are gartered below the knees, a typical Pawnee feature. He wears the roach on top of his "mohican" hairstyle and one big feather aswell. His ears are adorned with bunches of earrings made of several hairpipes each.

I hope you like it!!

*Disclaimer: I have very little spare time these days so I don't manage to make the posts in English AND in other languages. Sorry!!


Thursday, November 1, 2018

15/18mm Mammoth

...and now for something completely different!!

Hi you all! I'm very pleased with Ganeshas' Palaeo Diet: Eat or be Eaten, but I didn't have any suitable miniatures for it so, being me, I decided to sculpt some for playing the game. In 15/18mm so it wouldn't take so long and for the minis to be compatible with some 15/18mm tribesmen I sculpted a while back (and never showed here :-P). Anyway, it took me very long to sculpt the whole fur, but here it is. It is the first animal what I have ever sculpted but I'm moderate happy with the result :-) :

The tusks are attached in a provisional way so I'd be able to cast the beast if I want to :-)

And some WIPS:

I hope you like the tiny mammoth! :-)
