Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Crow Warrior #9

Hi you all!
Here is an experienced Crow warrior. As such, he´s wearing a heavily decorated warshirt with scalps and beaded panels. Typical of Crow warshirts is the rectangular beaded patch on the chest. His leggings are made of trade clothing and have large flaps with a typical rectangular patch on the lower side and some decorations. On the head he´s wearing an stuffed eagle and has a big knife bladed club as a weapon.

Aquí tenéis un experimentado guerrero Crow. Como tal, lleva una camisa de guerra muy decorada, con paneles de cuentas y cabelleras. El parche rectangular con cuentas que lleva en el pecho es típico de camisas de guerra crow. Sus polainas están hechas de tela obtenida mediante comercio, con grandes alerones y los típicos rectángulos en la parte inferior. En la cabeza lleva un águila disecada y está armado con una gran maza de madera con hojas de cuchillos.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Crow Shields

Hi you all!

Today only a little update: here are the first 3 shields for the Crow warriors. All of them are based on authentic Crow shields :-)


Hoy toca una actualización menor: aquí están los tres primeros escudos para los guerreros Crow. Están todos basados en escudos auténticos de los Crow :-)


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Crow Warrior #8

Hi you all!

Here is my last sculpt: a magnificent Crow warrior, with a more recent style (post 1850). He wears a pompadour hairstyle with the characteristic long hair with gum balls' decoration at the back. The quiver and bowcase are of leather and more modern that the older style for both bow and arrows other minis have. He also wears leggings made of trade cloth and a typical loop-necklace. His weapons are a shortbow and a quirt with a wooden handle that doubles as a mace. The warrior wears it suspended from his wrist.

And some WIP shots:

I hope you like it!